You're in the right place if...

  • You're just starting to try for a family and want to do everything you can to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.  
  • You're doing an IUI or IVF cycle and you want to optimize your likelihood of achieving a healthy pregnancy. 
  • You're looking for ways to support yourself physically and emotionally through the roller coaster of the fertility world. 
We get it. 

We know that all you are longing for is to be pregnant and have a healthy baby.
You want to do everything you can to get pregnant quickly and learn all you can do to set yourself up for thriving health for you and your future baby. 

Whether you are just starting to think about a family or have been trying for a while - we have put together everything we wish we were told while trying to conceive.

Hello! We're Dr. Nic & Nat ND

We are twin sisters, naturopathic doctors and are passionate about women's health. 
We feel if women can gain control of their health, they are unstoppable!

Having both struggled with our own infertility, endometriosis and recurrent pregnancy loss, we are passionate about helping women make simple, tangible changes to their lifestyle to create the family they always dreamed of.

We have a clinical focus in women's health, fertility and all things hormones. 

 We are owners of Durham Natural Health Centre a wellness clinic in Ajax, Ontario which we have proudly owned for over 10 years. We see patients virtually all over the province and are passionate about helping women reclaim their health and support their fertility.

This course will help guide you through the fertility journey, whether you are just starting to try or have been on this road for a while we will discuss naturopathic tips to optimize your outcomes!

 There are things you can do to support your fertility. 
 We want you to feel informed and empowered as you navigate your way to a healthy pregnancy!

Introducing . . . 

The Fertility Formula

A step by step approach to learning about your fertility and what diet and lifestyle changes you can do to give yourself the best chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Fertility Formula is a 5 module program that you can watch week to week or binge watch all in one night. We will walk you through the best diet for trying to conceive, should you exercise - how much and when? 

 Can you have coffee, should you take any supplements and so much more!

Module 1 - We Do a Deep Dive Into Your Diet

You will learn about the diet that is the most researched when it comes to your fertility.
What you should eat, what you should avoid and we will even give you a meal plan to make this so easy to implement.

Module 2 - Lifestyle 101

We will discuss the best exercise routine, can you have coffee, should you stop all alcohol. Have your questions answered so you can feel empowered and support on your fertility journey.

Module 3 - Environmental Factors

Learn about all the environmental chemicals and how they affect your fertility. This modules a biggie but designed to educate you so you can begin to make small changes towards living a more organic clean life. Don't worry we break it down and promise not to overwhelm you :)

Module 4 - The Importance of Self-Care

We know the fertility journey can be stressful and is a rollercoaster of emotions from the highs and hopes of a potential pregnancy to feelings of loss and grieving that this month wasn't the month. Managing stress and your mental health is crucial throughout this journey. We talk about many ways you can support yourself as you navigate your way to a family

Module 5 - Labs and Supplements

Learn about which lab tests we think are crucial to consider prior to trying for a family and how they might uncover some factors that could be getting in the way of you getting pregnant. And learn about which supplements you need to consider if you are trying.

We've also Thrown in 3 BONUS Modules!

Bonus Module 1 - Your Male Partner

Because you are only 50% of the equation! 
It is crucial that we talk about your male partner and his sperm health.

Bonus Module 2 - Common IVF Symptoms

This is for anyone who is undergoing IVF. We wanted to share some ways you can support yourself and manage any undesirable symptoms while you navigate your IVF journey. 

Bonus module 3 - Eating During Your Pregnancy

We hope you achieve a healthy pregnancy and we wanted to share tips on how you should be supporting yourself. What to eat, what to avoid. Save this one for after you get your BFP!

Stop Trying to Google Everything and Research What You Can and Can't Do While Trying to Get Pregnant!

We've taken the guess work out of it all and put together the fertility formula - a step by step guide to help you feel empowered and supported on your journey to parenthood.

The fertility formula is a 5 module course - designed to do at your own pace.

Our mission is to support you on your fertility journey so you can feel in control and empowered as you embark on your path to parenthood.

After treating hundreds of patients just like you and having both walked through our own fertility journey we recognized the gap in education when it came to your diet and lifestyle and all the pieces you can control on this wild journey.

Our fertility Formula method will teach you how to eat, what lab tests to advocate for, what supplements you should consider and so much more!
Week 1: How to eat while trying to conceive - including a                                    detailed meal plan - $300

Week 2: Understand the most important lifestyle changes you                          can make to support your fertility - $150

Week 3: Understand how the chemicals in your environment                            affect your fertility and how you can avoid them - $150

Week 4: The importance of self-care and tips and tools you                                can use to keep you balanced throughout this 
                process - $150

Week 5: Learn what lab test you can advocate for and what                                supplements to consider $300


Bonus #1 - Your Male Partner - Learn what your partner can do to support his fertility 
a 1 page guide on how to interpret a sperm analysis - $300

Bonus # 2 - How to manage common IVF symptoms - $150

Bonus #3 - How should you eat once you do get pregnant $150

Total Value: $1650

Your price today $197!

We want nothing more than for you to feel supported on your fertility journey. Take the first step to learning and understanding all that you can do to help you get pregnant! - All Rights Reserved -  Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

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